Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ashes, Ashes

"I was nurtured. I was sheltered.
I was curious and young.
I was searching for that something;
Trying to find it on the run..."

Awakening from a long sleep is like climbing out of a steep ravine is like reaching for the highest star is like falling into the deepest ocean is like awakening from a long sleep is like climbing out of a steep ravine is like reaching for the highest star is like falling into the deepest ocean is like awakening from a long sleep is like climbing out of a steep ravine is like reaching for the highest star is like falling into the deepest ocean is like awakening from a long sleep is

the music is real the music is Real.

he can't have it

I got into a small car crash.

Yeah, no joke, sadly. I spent last thursday night in a hospital for a mild concussion - which thankfully also gave me an excuse to not write my information, so yay. And then I just walked right out like I usually do. It's so easy to just be completely unseen nowadays.

My car still runs just fine, but it looks like shit and will likely draw a lot of attention, and I'm not really sure what to do about that.

I'm okay too. Just as physically and mentally fit as I ever was. Heh.

Researching and trying to sort out proxy activity from regular crimes is hard. And time-consuming. Most of the time I wind up having to leave a tip for the normal authorities and hope for the best. It's not as much as I wanted to do involving the police (which I still haven't entirely ruled out yet), but hopefully this is something acceptable.

Two supply houses went down this week. One was filled mostly with food and known to supply to proxies and other organized crime, and the other was a completely harmless building used for storing packing equipment, like cardboard boxes, and I think a few mattresses as well. The only reason the second one went down was because the part of the first warehouse that wasn't filled with various types of food was filled with gunpowder and several explosive weapons. But hey, at least I learned a lesson. Also, thank god for fire alarms. Nobody needs to get hurt.

(I sort of hope no one gets punished for not being more vigilant when there's a known firebug running around. Then again, I more than sort of hope they don't get any more vigilant than they already are.

          just move on to the next part of the plan at that point, right?


I'm not actually certain whether or not the car accident was actually an accident, so I'm going to a place where I'm certain I'll be safe for a while. To gather supplies. And plan.

Meanwhile, I need information. So I'm asking now: Who's left? I'm barely keeping track anymore, and to be honest I lost count a while even before things got really bad. Basically, I want to make a sort of map in my head - not of locations, but of connections between people.

Even more basically, play the Kevin Bacon game with me, guys. XD  

 No amount of information is too trivial. I don't need to know about abilities or positions or anything of that sort. I just need to know who knows whom.


  1. I don't really know anyone in this game but our crew and Nick. Good to 'meet' you though.

    1. Yeah, I noticed your lot mysteriously crop up. But please, I've been dying to know for the better part of a year: Who were you running from? And where is Nick now?

    2. Uh. What do you mean who was I running from? And I have no idea where Nick is. He just kind of left us here.

    3. http://youpaywedeliver.blogspot.com/2011/08/team-i-really-really-should-know-better.html


      I understand it's been a while. But clarification would be more than nice.

    4. Oh. That time. That would be the suits that locked us in a basement and made us read blogs and watch vlogs for a few weeks straight, then randomly let us go. No, I don't get it either.

  2. habits, patterns, synthesis.

    kick those tendencies. kick those synonyms. kick knowin'. reserve knowin' a system permanently fluxed for omniscience's purview.

    i know nobody and nobody knows me, if you're dead-set.

    1. You say omniscience like it's impossible. Doesn't matter though; intuition will do just fine.

      But hey, look at that - now I know you, and that's something.

    2. i disagree, but that's okay.

      our responses aren't identical, of course. maybe in your time, it's chosen human psychology as its adherence. the lens, so to speak, through which it allows and distributes recognition. for us, that...didn't dictate the culmination. or its culmination, anyway.

      do you know me? do you know you? we've seemed to know you. that status shifted quite sudden a few months ago. blogs are portholes - the further away the view, the more horizon's visible. then ships close, rivets and cracks indulge lookout time, at least from the bottom decks. a broader picture vanishes into periphery's nothingness, there but not applicable.

      but all our cases, in total from afar, mean something. collaging our portholes won't capture their essence. knowing who looks at who doesn't pull out their zoom.

  3. From what I can gather, everyone is fucking dead. Though, I've noticed a trend in people... y'know, rising from the grave. Like it's fucking nothing.

    Resurrection is the new black, I suppose. So if anyone find themselves dead, remember, you still have 2 more lives. Or something.

    By the way, nice to meet you.

    1. Death itself is an illusion, often enough. You see the blood, you panic, you run the fuck away. But I wonder how many times it's actually real.

    2. It's real enough to take out whole towns, and half a community of bloggers within the span of a couple of months. I don't really understand this whole rising from the grave business, though I'm pretty sure it's just Ol' Slendy experimenting with new ways to torture us.

      Still, more often than not, death is real. And saying that it's an illusion just seems like a desperate attempt to try and shut your eyes to what's really going on.

    3. You misunderstood me. But that's okay. It seems to be happening more and more often lately.

    4. Is that so? Have you ever tried, y'know... not being so cryptic?

    5. Yes I have, actually. I went to a great deal of trouble to explain in detail every passing theory that came into my head. Or have you not actually read this blog?

      Nobody got it then, either, so I figure it's up to me.

  4. I'm here. I don't know many other runners, though - the only one I was close with was the Skeptic (who is dead) and Tom O'Bedlam (who is fucked off somewhere).

    But I'm still here. Still alive. For the time being.

  5. Queequeg and I are here, although we know of no others and I do not consider myself to be a "Runner." I am more of a Seeker (though Queequeg tells me that's something do with something called "Quidditch").

  6. There are new names here and there... but I don't want to speak for them. Not so many old names... most of the old names are gone. Can't remember...

  7. i know you, and about half of the people commenting here. oh, and you know another name or two of mine.

    why does it matter?

    1. Connections. Circuits, channels, pathways. It's important I keep track of the creature's movements, the places It can move.

  8. The Third Three Sages sure stayed in office a lot quicker than the previous sets.

    Rule of Three after all.

    1. Did I really say quicker instead of longer? Ugh.

  9. I'm here. But it's just me and I don't know anyone. Currently working things out on my end.

  10. So just for conformation you are still alive? I am doing a body count but the people coming back to life makes that hard to tell what counts as dead. If so then Hi! I'm Maze. Are you okay?

    1. Body-counting is technically the Messenger's job, but I suppose an extra set of eyes couldn't hurt. Can I get a look at that list when you're finished? Thanks.

  11. Hey, I've been around for a while, but i've only recently decided to start a blog, phobos gave me the idea to tell my story.
